For us, it's football. More specifically, college football.
You see, we've grown up in a college town.
Charlottesville, Virginia...home to The University of Virginia
We are Virginia Cavaliers fans, through and through.
We've known how to "paint the town orange" since we can remember. Well, It probably took a little longer for my country boy to come around as a Wahoo fan, seeing he spent so much of his childhood in the country, chasing fireflies and playing in the creek beds. ;)
Nevertheless, he is a HUGE fan, now!
I grew up watching UVA football games and I even had the privilege of going the women's basketball games with my dad.
My childhood dream was to play college basketball for UVA and attend the UVA Law School.
What we love even more than watching the game on TV is going TO THE GAMES...oh, my!
It's our "splurge".
A seemingly frivolous thing that brings us together...cheering on the home team, jumping with excitement when they score a touchdown and singing the "Good Ole' Song".
Whatever your splurge is with your "love" make sure that you don't get so busy living life, raising a family and paying the bills that you forget to do that special thing. Take the time to work on and build a strong marriage...one day those kids are going to be "raised" and on their own and you'll be left staring into the eyes of a stranger if you don't build your relationship now.
We even enjoy going for a drive on a pretty day or a warm evening, winding our way along back country roads, taking advantage of an occasional stop sign to lean over a sneak a passionate kiss or two...Or three. ;). It's those kind of things that will bind your hearts together and strengthen your marriage.
Living purposefully goes beyond raising your children...it's also what will make a fulfilling, lasting marriage.